Tax 稅務服務
Corporate income tax return review and preparation (營利事業所得稅申報書之準備)
Corporate income tax return certification (營利事業所得稅簽證)
VAT filings (申報營業稅)
Direct and indirect tax advisory services (直接稅與間接稅務諮詢)
Reduced withholding tax application services (降低扣繳稅款之租稅優惠申請)
Tax treaty exemption advisory and application services (租稅協定申請)
Transfer pricing law and regulation advisory and documentation services (移轉訂價報告準備)
Payroll 薪資管理服務
Salary calculation (薪資計算)
Statutory withholding calculation and reporting services (薪資扣繳及申報)
Calculation of statutory national health and labor insurance contribution and deduction services (計算應繳納及代扣繳之健保、勞保及退休金)
Advisory 稅務諮詢
Inbound and outbound tax and investment related advisory and research services (國內、國外以及與投資有關之稅務諮詢)
Tax ruling application (就特定租稅議題申請解釋函令)
Various tax refund application (各類退稅申請)
FINI related application (外國專業投資機構之服務)
Audit 財報審計服務
Financial statement audit in accordance with ROC GAAP (財務報表審計服務)
Agreed-upon procedures (協議程序執行)
Bookkeeping 帳務維持服務
Entries, vouchers (整理憑證入帳)
Bank reconciliation (製作銀行調節表)
Statutory withholding calculation and contribution on various payments (協助暫繳及各類所得之通報)
VAT filings (營業稅申報)
GUI voucher purchases (協助購買發票)
financial statement compilation services (協助整理資訊如編製財報)
Business registration 公司設立服務
Incorporation, business and tax registration services of various legal formalities, e.g. company, branch, representation office, liaise office, job site office, foundation, non-profit organization and so on (各類公司、分公司、行號、外商分公司及辦事處之登記)
Paid-in-capital certification services (公司增減資登記與簽證)
Offshore company incorporation and maintenance (設立境外公司及相關維持)