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Our Team

  • ​Tax

  • Payroll

  • Advisory

  • Bookkeeping

  • Cash Management

蔣宜君 會計師




  • 中華民國會計師

  • 美國會計師

  • ​​台北市會計師公會



  • 勤業眾信聯合會計師事務所 國際租稅部協理

  • 國際通商律師事務所  稅務顧問

  • 中國時報 財務規劃室 研究員

  • 安侯協和聯合會計師事務所 高級審查員



  • 美國加州州立大學  企業管理碩士 主修會計

  • 國立成功大學 企業管理學士


Ivy has more than 25 years of experience practicing accounting and tax in Taiwan.  In addition to regular corporate advisory work, she also worked on many cross-border restructuring projects, M&A transactions and Taiwan foreign investment related issues.  She has performed or coordinated due diligence on companies located in many different countries such Vietnam, Canada, Brazil and so on.



  • Bachelor of Business Administration , National Cheng Kung University

  • Master of Business Administration (Accounting), California State University, San Bernardino



  • Certified Public Accountant, Taiwan

  • Certified Public Accountant, USA

  • Member of Taipei CPA Association


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唐民澤 會計師 

唐民澤在國內及國際稅務規劃及諮詢服務方面擁有20年的經驗,其中包括協助跨國企業規劃管理最適稅負、提供私募基金及台灣上市公司之跨境交易等投資稅務規劃及諮詢,在跨境交易及併購案件相關之稅務盡職調查及投資架構上具有相當豐富之專案經驗。在加入雅博會計師事務所之前,唐民澤曾在安永聯合會計師事務所(EY Taiwan)擔任協理,並在EY New York 擔任台灣稅務窗口。



  • 中華民國會計師

  • 美國會計師

  • ​台北市會計師公會



  • EY New York, Taiwan Tax Desk

  • 安永聯合會計師事務所稅務部協理

  • 勤業眾信會計師事務所稅務部經理



  • 英國Glasgow大學財務管理學系碩士

  • 東吳大學會計系學士


Jerry has over 20 years experience in domestic and international tax planning and advisory services, which include development of strategies to manage effective tax rate, repatriation techniques and global tax minimization. Jerry assisted international companies, PE funds and Taiwan listed companies with their tax planning and advisory services for the cross-border transactions. He has extensive project experience in tax due diligence and tax structuring for multinationals and domestic companies. Before joining Yapro, CPAs, Jerry was tax director on business tax advisory service team at EY Taipei office and worked as Taiwan tax desk at EY New York office.



  • Master of Financial Management, University of Glasgow

  • Bachelor of Business Administration, Soochow University


  • Certified Public Accountant, Taiwan

  • Certified Public Accountant, USA

  • Member of Taipei CPA Association


Steve Liu 會計師 




  • 中華民國會計師

  • ​台北市會計師公會


  • 安永聯合會計師事務所稅務部經理

  • 安侯建業聯合會計師事務所審計部經理



  • 國立政治大學法律碩士專班

  • 國立台北大學會計所碩士

  • 東吳大學會計系學士


Steve has 15 years experience in statutory financial auditing service and corporate income tax compliance service for Taiwan listed company and  Taiwan business entities of renowned MNCs. Steve also assisted companies with preferential tax treatment application to reduce tax burden. He has extensive experience in domestic tax compliance services, which cover cooperate income tax, withholding tax and value added tax. Before joining Yapro, CPAs, Steve was tax manager on business tax advisory service team at EY Taipei and audit manager at KPMG Taipei.



  • Master degree in accounting, National Taipei University

  • Bachelor of Business Administration, Soochow University


  • Certified Public Accountant, Taiwan

  • Member of Taipei CPA Association

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